As you may (or may not) have noticed, I haven't written in a while. From Jamaica, to coming home and realising I had to move to launching Gem Stone Love, and trying to get to grips with what is and isn't happening in my day job - I just haven't had the time.
I have been keeping up on my hair regime and I'm still making things left right and centre - most recent addition being a pomade with beeswax.
But unfortunately I'm going to have to leave blogging alone for a little while :( :( :(
I'll still be around but it will be in full Gem Stone Love capacity - you can catch me at any of the places below explaining it all like my name is Clarissa or something.
I really appreciated everyone who read and Google+ posts and I'm hoping you'll stay in touch and follow me on my new journey. This blog is staying open as there may just be room for me to return later. But until the next time...
Instagram @gemstonelondon
Twitter @gemstonelondon