Monday, 12 June 2017

Holistic living

Wow. How many times do I have to learn? Forever I think is the right number.

I know that when your mind is right your life is right. I know that the key to everything, the beginning of everything is mindset, mindfulness, mind body and spirit.

I know this. Not just because I have read it, but because I have lived it. When I am aligned, there is no feeling like it, it feels like as if people are purposefully going out of their way to please me. Like I am the luckiest person in the world. I'm not messing around, that is what it feels like, I feel light and golden, and full and flowing. The words just aren't good enough.

Unfortunately, when I'm not aligned, when I haven't done the necessary, which most feel is the nice to have, I am so out of whack. I ache, I'm confused, I don't get enough sleep or good quality sleep, I'm unnecessarily bitchy, I itch, I literally itch when I'm tired or irritated, always have.

Knowing what I know, how do I forget this? Because it's easy to, most of the people in the world, the country, the city, don't live like that. I am the weird one for living like I do, for thinking like I do, I am unusual - but I'm not alone. I'm not the only one who understands the benefits and necessity of living holistically, but finding those people isn't as easy as it sounds. This work, is hard to do on it's own, and you want help and you want support but you know want - you can't have someone wake up with you every day and force you to meditate and do yoga, you have to do it off of your own back.

You have to rewire your brain that is lazy and likes the patterns that it has set over years, and that is exactly the same as everyone else's. you have to change the programming yourself to get the different results. It is not easy but it's worth it, you can't fight for it either though - what I think it's about is surrendering to that truth, relaxing into a different way of living. It's not laziness, but it is letting go. It's not non activity - it's about directed and productive activity. Even play time is productive, you need to play in order to help reset your brain and release some good chemical's it's all about balance and harmony, and whatever that means to you is what it means to you. No one else is living your life for you, they can't tell you what good should look like.

I spoke to my friend in Australia today, I had presumed it would be a 1 hour video call. 3 and a bit hours later... Thank you honey, I missed you. It was good to talk and just be entirely honest about what's whirling around my mind with someone knowing that even though you don't agree on everything, she understands the position I am coming from and will just let me speak and vice versa.

Same goes with this open journal you lovely people are reading. I started this because I didn't feel like I could speak openly about what was in my mind. And funnily enough, things have been harder than usual recently because I haven't been writing on here, I didn't get things off of my mind.

I have been writing, been preparing my blogs for Gem Stone Love, which is launching on 17th July. Time has not been wasted, but I haven't been as balanced as I know I could have been.

Thank you friends beyond the binary.

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