So last Thursday I did just that, I made the trip to the hair shop and the chemist to by Crème of Nature Argan Oil Relaxer - Regular, and a box of non powder latex gloves. As I was working from home that day, I took my hair out of it's 1 remaining hair do at about 3pm (1 big sweeping canerow on the right and combed down on the left, small neat bun at the back.) I got started as soon as the clock struck 5:30. And then...
- I combed out the hair - I had to, my hair is 4B tight corkscrew curls and it's fine.
- Applied Cantu Shea Leave in Repair Cream to my scalp - I bought a fresh tub right before my natural hair care kick started
- Parted hair in 4 with the grips and the protected the pre relaxed hair with Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Applied some Vaseline all the way around my hair line
- Set to working the relaxer
- I did go over it again with the smoothing step
- Relaxer from first application to wash out was 35 minutes - SHOCK HORROR. My hair doesn't take quickly, never has, also because I oil my scalp it gets on the new growth and slows everything right down.
- I rinsed twice in luke warm water only
- Put a protein treatment in for 10 minutes (can't remember which one and I threw the bottle away because it was finished)
- Shampoo'd with the neutraliser twice, then on the third time let it sit on the hair for about 5 minutes
- Rinsed the shampoo out and then did a Apple Cider Vinegar rinse - only a slight sting
- Put the conditioner that came in the box in
- Put my heated cap on for about 45 minutes - turns out I didn't need it on for that long, 30 will do
- Made and ate my dinner
My scalp didn't burn, I have no sores, and in fact I could / should have left it in for another 5 minutes because I didn't apply it fast enough, one corner of my hard is marginally underdone. I'd say it's mostly relaxed to 85% rather than the squeaky bone straight that my hairdresser does. I liked bone straight, I thought that was how it was supposed to feel. I thought it was normal that it would take 2 weeks after my relaxer for my hair to feel like my hair again. I don't know if that's true now.
I t-shirt dried my hair, put some Chi protein leave in on it and put my diy hair oil on, wrapped my hair with a satin scarf (with a cotton scarf on top of that - it's cold and my hair doesn't always dry itself by the morning if I don't) and went to bed.
In the morning I was very pleasantly surprised, my hair felt... good. It never felt good after a relaxer. Straight yes, slick yes, shiny sometimes. But not good, it always felt delicate both hair and scalp.
Nearly a week on I haven't washed it yet - I usually wash and treat on Sunday and co wash after Netball on Wednesday. And after a relaxer which is usually mid week, I actively want to co wash with a treatment on the Sunday. I decided to leave it this time as I didn't really have an urge to, the hair felt fine, and it was only my ingredients in it so there was no build up.
So this is the beginning of this journey, I will be relaxing myself again, as the feeling of my hair is very reminiscent of when I first switched to natural products, just that good solid (for hair anyway) feeling. I'll be co washing it with JASON Aloe Vera conditioner tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.